Mutation in CBL1 Ser201 disrupts the CBL1-CIPK23-mediated activation of the K+ channel AKT1 in Xenopus oocytes. Two-electrode voltage clamp measurements using single-pulse protocols ranging from 40 to −170 mV in 10-mV decrements starting from a holding potential of −20 mV were conducted with Xenopus oocytes expressing AKT1 with CIPK23 and CBL1, CBL1 S201A, or CBL1 S201D. The left panel shows a typical current trace. The right panel represents relative values of steady state inward K+ currents (Iss) at −170 mV (100% = the mean of Iss in AKT1 + CIPK23 + CBL1). Results represent means ± S.E. of six or more oocytes.