Structural and sequence comparison of FnCel5A with other members of family 5. a, a structure-based sequence alignment between FnCel5A and CtCelC, CcCel5A, and PhCel5G was performed using ClustalW and ESPript. Secondary structure elements are shown for FnCel5A. b, superposition of FnCel5A with three related cellulase structures from C. thermocellum (CtCelC; Protein Data Bank code 1CEC), mesophile C. cellulolyticum (CcCel5A; Protein Data Bank code 1EDG), and psychrophile P. haloplanktis (PhCel5G; Protein Data Bank code 1TVP). The r.m.s.d. between Cα atoms of the four cellulases ranged from 0.88 to 1.29 Å.