Figure 2. Rrn7 ribbon and Pol I dock domain mutations affect Rrn7-Pol I interaction.
(A) GST-Rrn7 fusion proteins. (B) Binding of Rrn7 Full length (FL), BHD, or CTD to immobilized Rpa135-Flag Pol I. (C) Binding of WT or Rrn7 ribbon mutant M1 to immobilized Pol I. (D) Sequence and secondary structure alignment of Rpa190 (Pol I), Rpb1 (Pol II), and Rpc1 (Pol III) dock domains. Residues are colored according to conservation and PSIpred predictions: helical (H, red), beta-sheet (E, blue), and coil (C, white). Known yeast Rpb1 secondary structure (1wtf_A) is shown. In the mutations Δ1 and Δ2, the deleted sequences were replaced by Gly-Ser-Gly. (E) Growth of yeast dock domain mutants. +++, WT growth; −, no growth. (F) Pol I with the indicated dock domain mutations was immobilized to a-Flag beads and tested for Rrn7 ribbon-binding. Panels B, C, F are Western blots probed with anti-Flag or -GST antibody.