Figure 2. The levels of water-soluble and triton-soluble Aβ are elevated in dementia.
Average quantifiable Aβ monomer (A, C, E) and Aβ dimer (B, D, F) detected in duplicate AW7 IPs from 28 samples analysed by western blot with 2G3/21F12 are shown. Cases are separated into three groups: 1) non-demented (CDR 0 and 0*), 2) mildly demented (CDR 0.5 and 1) and 3) severely demented (CDR 2/3). CDR 0* cases were not demented but had significant amyloid pathology and are highlighted with red circles. The levels of quantifiable Aβ are indicated on the vertical discontinuous y-axis. Horizontal lines indicate the mean value detected for each group. * indicates significant difference (p < 0.05), while NS indicate no significant difference. Detectable levels of Aβ are indicated in black and samples in which Aβ was not detected are shown in red. CDR 0, n=6; CDR 0*, n=3; CDR 0.5, n= 6; CDR 1, n= 5 and CDR 2/3, n= 8.