Table 1.
Perspiration |
Intolerance to food |
Acid regurgitation |
Heartburn |
Difficulty swallowing, food sticking in the lower esophagus |
Nausea |
Loss of appetite (anorexia) |
Feeling full after eating very little (early satiety) |
Feeling of abdominal fullness or bloating |
Abdominal distension, which requires loosening of the belt |
Frequent loose bowel movements (or more often than usual) |
Constipation (or less bowel movements than usual) |
Alternating constipation and loose bowel movements |
Difficulty passing stools with straining, urgency or feeling of incomplete evacuation |
Abdominal pain or discomfort is relieved by bowel movements (passing of stool) |
Rate the frequency of the following symptoms associated with abdominal pain during the last 3 mo or longer, using the following scale: 0: Not at all or rarely (less than 10% of the episodes); 1: Occasionally (less than 50% of the episodes); 2: Very often (more than 50% of the episodes); 3: Almost always (more than 80% of the episodes).