The symbol representations of compartments, species and reactions are shown in the right hand panel. Individual pathways are numbered starting with the transcription of the frq gene. frq = frequency, wc-1 = white collar-1, wc-2 = white collar-2, vvd = vivid, hypoFRQc = cytosolic hypophosphorylated FREQUENCY (FRQ) protein, hypoFRQn = nuclear hypophosphorylated FRQ, hyperFRQc = cytosolic hyperphosphorylated FRQ, hyperFRQn = nuclear hyperphosphorylated FRQ, WC-1c = cytosolic WHITE COLLAR-1 (WC-1) protein, WC-2c = cytosolic WHITE COLLAR-2 (WC-2) protein, hypoWCCc = cytosolic hypophosphorylated WHITE COLLAR COMPLEX (WCC), hypoWCCn = nuclear hypophosphorylated WCC, hyperWCCc = cytosolic hyperphosphorylated WCC, hyperWCCn = nuclear hyperphosphorylated WCC, aWCC = activated WCC, laWCC = light activated WCC, VVDc = cytosolic VIVID (VVD) protein, VVDn = nuclear VVD, WVC = WCC-VVD complex.