Fig. 7.
qPCR analysis for four transcripts with differential expression in zF vs. zG. Ddah1, Cidea, Frzb, and Hsd11b2 were selected based on the availability of antibodies for immunohistochemistry. A, Fold change in each transcript (zF vs. zG). Ddah1 was not detectable (ND) in any of the zG samples (rats 1–4). Hsd11b2 was detectable in only three zG samples (rats 1, 3, and 4); therefore, the fold change was calculated from three pairs of zF/zG data. B, qPCR curves illustrating ΔRn against PCR cycle number for transcripts of ND in all zG samples (Ddah1). ΔRn represents the normalized reporter signal (Rn) minus the baseline signal.