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. 2004 Aug;10(8):1369–1378. doi: 10.3201/eid1008.040077

Table 1. Surveillance data for southern West Nile virus foci and the rest of California, January 1–November 1, 2003a.

Surveillance data Research areas
Imperial Coachella LA Remaining agencies Total
Human cases 1 0 0 1 2
Horse cases 0 0 0 1 1
Mosquito pools 238 1,414 1,663 6,416 9,731
Culex tarsalis 150 948 121 3,176 4,395
WNV pos 16 10 0 0 26
SLEV pos 1 3 0 0 4
WEEV pos 0 0 0 1 1
Cx. pipiens complex 0 299 1,036 1,170 2,505
WNV pos 0 0 6 0 6
Othersb 88 167 506 2,070 2,831
Sentinel chickens 6 10 5 191 212
WNV pos 51 18 0 0 69
SLEV pos 3 2 0 8 13
WEEV pos 0 0 0 0 0
Dead birds reported 23 15 1,218 6,294 7,550
Tested 6 5 256 1,118 1,385
WNV pos 0 0 38 21 59
Wild bird sera 0 3,178 1,452 4,502 9,132
WNV pos 51 0 0 51
WEEV pos 2 0 0 2

aLA, Los Angeles; WNV, West Nile virus; SLEV, St. Louis encephalitis virus; WEEV, western equine encephalitis virus; pos, positive.
bOther mosquitoes tested: Anopheles franciscanus, An. hermsi, Ae. vexans, Culiseta inornata, Cs. incidens, Cx. erythrothorax, Cx. erraticus, Cx. stigmatosoma, Oc. sierrensis, Oc. dorsalis, Oc. melanimon, Oc. taeniorhynchus, Psorophora columbiae.