Figure 6.
(a) QD lipid functionalization scheme: 1-dodecanethiol inner leaflet and an ODA/MHPC/DSPE-PEG2k outer leaflet. The concentration of ODA was fixed at 30 mol%. (b) Fraction of QDs recovered versus concentration of DSPE-PEG2k. (c) Zeta potential versus concentration of DSPE-PEG2k. (d) Size distributions for QDs with (o) 10 mol% and (?) 20 mol% DSPE-PEG2k. The average sizes are 16.0 ± 0.5 and 17.8 ± 0.6 nm, respectively. (e) QY versus concentration of DSPE-PEG2k. (f) Fraction of QDs recovered versus concentration of DSPE-PEG2k after incubation in 100 mM phosphate buffer for 1 h.