Figure 3.
Structure of the Myddosome, a complex of MyD88, IRAK4, and IRAK2 DDs. (a) Planar schematic of the MyD88-IRAK4-IRAK2 complex. The Myddosome is a four layered tower formed from a single stranded left-handed helical DD oligomer. The strand begins with 6 MyD88 DDs (M1–M6), followed by IRAK4 DDs (I41–I44), and finally IRAK2 DDs (I21–I24). Interactions between successive DDs are type III. (b) The nth DD uses its IIIb surface to interact with the IIIa surface of the (n+1)th DD. Interactions between strands are mediated by type I and type II interfaces. The nth DD uses its Ib and IIb surfaces to associate with the Ia surface of the (n+3)th DD and the IIa surface of the (n+4)th DD. (c) The crystal structure of the MyD88-IRAK4-IRAK2 oligomer colored as in (a). (d) Myddosome viewed from below. (e) Surface electrostatic potential map showing poor charge complementarity between MyD88 top and bottom surfaces (top) and good charge complementarity between MyD88 top and IRAK4 bottom surfaces (bottom).