Table 1.
Antibacterial activity of 30 antimicrobial peptides against Staphylococcus aureus USA300 LAC and Escherichia coli K12
Name (source)a | Peptide sequenceb,c | MIC (μM)
S. aureus | E. coli | ||
Apidaecin IA (insect) | GNNRPVYIPQPRPPHPRI | >100 | >100 |
Ascaphin-8 (frog) | GFKDLLKGAAKALVKTVLF-NH2 | 3.1 | 12.5 |
Brevinin-2-related (frog) | GIWDTIKSMGKVFAGKILQNL-NH2 | 25 | 25 |
Buforin II (toad) | TRSSRAGLQFPVGRVHRLLRK | >71 | >71 |
Clavanin-B (tunicate) | VFQFLGRIIHHVGNFVHGFSHVF | >100 | >100 |
DASamP1 (synthetic)d | FFGKVLKLIRKIF-NH2 | 3.1 | >100 |
DASamP2 (synthetic)e | IKWKKLLRAAKRIL-NH2 | 6.2 | 3.1 |
Desertcolin 1 (frog) | GLADFLNKAVGKVVDFVKS-NH2 | >100 | >100 |
Distinctin chain 1 C23R (synthetic)f | NLVSGLIEARKYLEQLHRKLKNRKV | >92 | >92 |
Drosocin (insect)g | GKPRPYSPRPTSHPRPIRV | >100 | >100 |
Hyposin-5 (frog) | FRPALIVRTKGTRL | >30 | >30 |
Isracidin (cow) | RPKHPIKHQGLPQEVLNENLLRF | >100 | >100 |
Latarcin 3a (spider) | SWKSMAKKLKEYMEKLKQRA | >100 | >100 |
Lycotoxin I (spider) | IWLTALKFLGKHAAKHLAKQQLSKL | 3.1 | 25 |
Maculatin 1.3 (frog) | GLLGLLGSVVSHVVPAIVGHF-NH2 | 6.2 | >100 |
Mastoparan M (insect) | INLKAIAALAKKLL | >100 | 25 |
Melectin (insect) | GFLSILKKVLPKVMAHMK-NH2 | 12.5–25 | 12.5–25 |
Metalnikowin I (insect) | VDKPDYRPRPRPPNM | >100 | >100 |
Misgurin (fish) | RQRVEELSKFSKKGAAARRRK | >84 | >84 |
Parasin I (fish) | KGRGKQGGKVRAKAKTRSS | >84 | >84 |
Piscidin 1 (fish) | FFHHIFRGIVHVGKTIHRLVTG | 3.1 | 12.5 |
Plantaricin chain A (bacteria)h | GAWKNFWSSLRKGFYDGEAGRAIRR | >38.9 | >38.9 |
Ponericin L2 (insect) | LLKELWTKIKGAGKAVLGKIKGLL | 85 | >25 |
Pseudin-1 (frog) | GLNTLKKVFQGLHEAIKLINNHVQ | >100 | 100 |
Ranatuerin 9 (frog) | FLFPLITSFLSKVL | 50 | >100 |
Spinigerin (insect) | HVDKKVADKVLLLKQLRIMRLLTRL | >81 | >81 |
Styelin A (tunicate) | GFGKAFHSVSNFAKKHKTA-NH2 | >100 | >100 |
Temporin-LTc-3r (synthetic)i | SLSRFLRFLKIVYRRAF-NH2 | 12.5 | 25 |
Uperin 7.1KRF (synthetic)j | GWFDVVKHIAKRF-NH2 | 50 | 12.5 |
Six peptides identified to be active against S. aureus and studied further are indicated in bold.
Peptide sequences were obtained from the Antimicrobial Peptide Database [7], and mutated residues are shown in bold.
C-terminal amidation is represented by NH2.
A peptide mutant of temporin-PTa with S4K, P10R and L13F mutations. In contrast to peptides from natural sources (e.g. frogs, fish), those labelled with ‘synthetic’ are man-designed based on natural templates.
A peptide mutant of polybia-MPI with the following mutations: D2K, D8R and Q12R.
The sequence of this peptide corresponds to chain A of distinctin with residue C23 changed to R.
Residue T11 is not O-glycosylated.
The sequence of this peptide corresponds to chain A of plantaricin JK.
A mutant of temporin-LTc with three mutations: S7R, P14R and P15R.
This peptide was obtained by changing the last three residues SAV of uperin 7.1 to KRF.