Bidirectional selective breeding for MA consumption is replicable and also produces differences in methamphetamine (MA) preference ratio. (A) mg/kg of MA consumed by the originating B6D2F2 (F2; S0), and the parent and offspring mice across selection generations, when MA was offered in a 40 mg/l solution in tap water vs plain tap water. (B) MA preference ratio for the same animals, calculated as the ratio of the volume of the MA solution consumed to total fluid consumed. (C) mg/kg of MA consumed when MA was offered in a 20 mg/l solution vs water (prior to offering the higher concentration) for the same mice. All data are averages of days 2 and 4 from the two-bottle choice procedure. n = 120 for F2, 50-80 per line for offspring mice, and 26 per line for parent mice of each generation. Symbols and error bars represent means ± SEM. MAHDR-2, MA high drinking replicate 2; MALDR-2, MA low drinking replicate 2.