Effect of tAPX silencing on the transcript levels of disease-resistance genes. Seventeen-day-old IS-GUS-2-17 and IS-tAPX-19-23 plants were sprayed with a 100 μm estrogen and kept under NL. At 48 h after the estrogen treatment, the transcript levels of RTS genes (ICS2, TolB, TIR, RLP7, RLP23, RLP34, RLP39, RLP41, NIMIN3, NUDX6, LCR68, LCR70), PR1, and PR2, known to be involved in disease resistance, were measured by q-PCR. Error bars indicate S.D. (n = 3). Significant differences: *, p < 0.05 versus the value for IS-GUS-2-17 plants. TIR, Toll-interleukin resistance.