Figure 2. Defining a consensus sequence for the elementary unit of HET-s β-solenoid fold.
A. alignment of the 21 amino acid repeat units of HET-s, FgHET-s and 9 other HET-s homologs from various fungal species, r1 and r2 designate the first and second repeat unit respectively. The arrows above the alignment represent the 4 β-strands defining the β-solenoid fold (bI to bIV). Below the alignment the corresponding consensus sequence is given. FOX1713 and FOX14669 are from Fusarium oxysporum, FG08145 is from Fusarium graminearum, FVEG13490 is from Fusarium verticillioides, EEU42351, EEU47148, EEU38121 are from Nectria haematococca, EFX055012 is from Grosmannia clavigera. B. Weighted consensus of the HET-s elementary repeat unit generated using the MEME algorithm. C. Fitting of the consensus sequence for the elementary HET-s repeat into the β-solenoid fold model. The colour coding reflects the weight of the residue in the MEME consensus (red, very strong conservation, informational content >2 bits; orange, strong conservation, >1 bit; grey, weak conservation, <0.5 bit).