Complementation of C16 by transformation. (A) Relative
positions of a genomic clone, pKI4, and its derivatives. Transformants
of C16 cells, which photoautotrophically grew in ordinary air, are
indicated by a +. (B) Northern blot analyses of
Cah1 expression. Ten micrograms of total RNA from cells
grown under high-CO2 (HC) or low-CO2 (LC)
conditions were hybridized by a 32P-labeled
Cah1-specific oligonucleotide probe. (C)
Southern blot analysis of BamHI-digested total genomic
DNA from WT, C16, and C16∷pKI4 cells. The blot was hybridized with
a 32P-labeled Ccm1-specific probe, P-5.