Figure 3.
Clonal analyses in corrected keratinocytes at lowand high population doublings. Colony-forming efficiency and colony-type distribution of corrected XP798VI mass population (mass) and reverted holoclones (clone 8, 4, and 25) at low passages (<20 PD) and high passages (>120 PD). Colonies were characterized by their size and morphological features: LSP, large colonies with smooth perimeter; W, wrinkled colonies; ST, small terminal colonies (for additional details, see “Materials and Methods”). Note the transition from a high (about 12–18%) to a reduced (1.8–4.7%) proportion of LSP colonies in mass population and in clone 8 and clone 25 after serial propagation (i.e., at 20 versus 120 PD). In contrast, clone 4 still generated a high proportion of LSPs colonies (about 20%) after 120 PD. “Mass” is for corrected XP798VI keratinocyte mass population; CFE, colony-forming efficiency; PD, population doublings. LSP, large (>4mm diameter) with smooth perimeter; W, intermediate (1 <∅ <4mm) wrinkled colonies; ST, small (∅ <1mm) terminally differentiated colonies (ST).