Figure 7.
Notch3 downregulation in RMS cells reduces tumour growth in vivo. (A) RH-30 cells were transfected with a Notch3 short hairpin (sh)RNA- or control (CTR) shRNA-GFP-plasmids and images of GFP fluorescence (grey) were acquired after 3 weeks of puromycin selection (Left). Arrows depict nuclei of newly formed myofibers (200 × magnification). (Right) 48 h post-shRNAs transfection, positive GFP was separated from negative GFP cells by cell sorting and expression of Notch3IC, and β-actin (loading control) were analyzed by western blotting. Representative of two independent experiments. (B, Left) Mouse-bearing CTR shRNA (as a mixture of control (CTR) shRNA-GFP/wild-type cells) and Notch3 shRNA (as a mixture of Notch3 shRNA-GFP/wild-type cells) tumour xenografts (black arrows; left flank: a and right flank: f, respectively). (Middle) xenografts from nude mice injected with Notch3 shRNA RH30 cells (wild-type/Notch3 shRNA cell ratio ∼60%/40% f, g, h, i and l). Xenografts from CTR shRNA cells (wild-type/CTR shRNA cell ratio ∼50%/50% a, b, c, d and e) were controls. (Right) Histogram reports tumour volumes of each xenograft. (C, Left) Haematoxylin/eosin staining and immunolabeling of Ki67 and GFP of 5 μm serial sections from xenografts of mice injected with CTR shRNA and Notch3 shRNA RH30 cells (from d and i samples) (400 × magnification). GFP right panels are a higher magnification of left panels (600 × magnification). Representative of three xenografts per condition. (D) Histogram depicts the average of the percentage of GFP-positive cells per field in five fields per tumour section. Bars, S.D. *P<0.05. (E) The expression of Notch3IC was analysed by western blotting in lysates of samples from mice injected with CTR shRNA and Notch3 shRNA RH30 cell suspensions (three xenografts were pooled per group)