Figure 1.
(a) Log femur length (body size proxy) of archosauromorph (black triangles) and therapsid (grey circles) taxa from the Late Permian to Middle Jurassic plotted at the stratigraphic range midpoints for each taxon, with Lowess (locally adjusted) regression lines for archosauromorphs (black) and therapsids (grey). (b) Log femur length plotted at midpoints of stratigraphic ranges (points) and size maxima through time (lines) of herbivorous (black, rhomboid points) and carnivorous (grey, square points) taxa across the interval. From the Anisian to early Norian (light grey shading), the size of the largest carnivores exceeded that of the largest herbivores. (c) Proportion of archosauromorphs among archosauromorph and therapsid taxa sampled plotted through time. Perm., Permian, E., Early, M., Middle, L., Late. Stage abbreviations in the electronic supplementary material, table S2.