Figure 2. Differentiation of the Mesenchymal Adipocyte and Chondrocyte Lineages from iPS cells.
Murine EB derived from iPS cells were treated with ATRA for 3 days to induce mesoderm followed by the treatment with adiopgenic or chondrogenic differentiation medium for an additional 4 weeks. Lipid droplets were visualized in adipocytes using phase-contrast microscopy 10x objective (A). Chondrogenesis was performed in micromass cultures and documented by qRT-PCR detection of Sox9 and Aggrecan (B) and by Aggrecan immunostaining 4x objective (D) with DAPI nuclear stain (C). The phenotype of chondrocytes was documented in paraffin sections by H&E (E) and alcian blue histochemical stains and photographs taken with the 20x objective (F). (G). Analysis of mesenchymal marker expression by dissociated iPS derived embryoid bodies following 3 day treatment with ATRA.