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. 2011 May;17(5):932–934. doi: 10.3201/eid1705.101630

Figure A1.

Figure A1

Phylogenetic tree of Anaplasma phagocytophilum based on 348-bp the citrate synthase gene. The tree was calculated by neighbor-joining method using MEGA 3.0 software (8). Values of the bootstrap support of the particular branching calculated for 10,000 replicates are indicated at the nodes. The 18 variant sequences obtained in this study were designated by the sample site plus vector species and identification number. Scale bar indicates nucleotide substitutions per site. DL: Dongling, FY: Fuyuan, JL: Jilin; LB: Luobei, MH: Mohe, MS: Mishan; RH: Raohe; SFH: Suifenhe; MDJ: Mudanjiang; HC: Haemaphysalis concinna, Hh: H. longicornis, Ds: Dermacentor silvarum IP: Ixodes persulcatus. Numbers in parentheses indicates the quantity of the same sequences as this strain. GenBank accession numbers of 42 novel sequences are GU935784–GU935790 and HQ396195–HQ396229. The reference strain were the following: China-C-Tt (GQ412339), 96HE158 (NY8) (AY464136), AP-1602 (AF304138), HGE-Webster (AF304136), MD-HGE(AY464132), and Khabarovsk-01 (AY339602).