Figure 1.
Schematic Representation of the Human mtDNA Phylogeny within Hominini
(Left) Hominini phylogeny illustrating approximate divergence times of the studied species. The positions of the RSRS and the putative Reconstructed Neanderthal Reference Sequence (RNRS) are shown.
(Right) Magnification of the human mtDNA phylogeny. Mutated nucleotide positions separating the nodes of the two basal human haplogroups L0 and L1′2′3′4′5′6 and their derived states as compared to the RSRS are shown. The positions of the rCRS and the RSRS are indicated by golden and a green five-pointed stars, respectively. Accordingly, the number of mutations counted from the rCRS (NC_012920) or the RSRS (Sequence S1) to the L0d1c1b (EU092832) and H4a1a (HQ860291) haplotypes retrieved from a San and a German, respectively, are marked on the golden and green branches. The principle of equidistant star-like radiation from the common ancestor of all contemporary haplotypes is highlighted when the RSRS is preferred over the rCRS as the reference sequence.