(A–B) Wild-type and lgl334/3644 mutant brains expressed erm-lacZ specifically in INPs, but not in neuroblasts. (C–D) While an INP-derived clone in a wild-type brain only contained neurons, an INP-derived clone in an lgl334/3644 mutant brain contained multiple supernumerary type II neuroblasts. (n = 31 and 21 brains, respectively) (E–F) Overexpression of aPKCcaax driven by Erm-GAL4 leads to supernumerary type II neuroblasts in comparison to a wild-type brain. (n = 8 and 9 brains, respectively) Brains were stained with the indicated markers. Clones marked by β-galactosidase are circled by the dotted line. Arrows indicate the neuroblasts (white, Type I; yellow, Type II) and yellow arrowheads indicate the INPs. All scale bars are 10 μm.