Figure 2.
Food intake and locomotion following STN inhibition with the GABAA agonist muscimol (Experiment 1, top panels) or μ-opioid receptor stimulation of the STN with DAMGO (Experiment 2, bottom panels). Cumulative intake of the sweetened fat diet is shown at 5-min intervals across the 2 hr sessions; individual lines represent food intake for all animals under the specified dose of each drug. Although STN injection of 5 ng muscimol significantly increased ambulation as measured by the number of crossings within the food intake chamber, there was no effect of STN inhibition on food or water intake across the sessions. In contrast, the intake of a sweetened fat diet was significantly increased in the second hour of the feeding session following STN μ-opioid receptor stimulation. The double cross demarks a significance of p < .01 for at the drug X time interaction effect; * denotes p < .05 for drug effects on ambulation; D indicates difference from vehicle injection as determined by Tukey’s HSD.