7th |
Thin long, interwoven vegetative mycelia with less septation and nuclei |
Nil |
Thick, comparatively small vegetative mycelia with extensive septation and multiple nuclei |
Nil |
14th |
Thickened, branched mycelia which produces secondary sporidia at the tip of lateral small branches |
1.8 × 103
Thickened, small vegetative mycelia |
Nil |
21st |
Acicular, tapered, banana-shaped high number sporidia and sporogenous mycelia seen occasionally |
3.9 × 109
Thickened mycelia which produce few banana-shaped allantoid sporidia |
4.1 × 107
30th |
Crumpled sporogenous mycelia with short sporogenous hypal branches, terminal/intercalary rounding up of hypal cells, sometimes in chain. Few small chlamydospore like structures |
8.2 × 109
Enlarged and many sporogenous mycelia and less hyphal branches and not much chlamydospore formation |
1.3 × 108