Overall structure of glycosylated LeIBP.
A, glycosylation at Asn185 is shown with the stick model. The modeled N-glycans contain two N-acetyl-β-d-glucosamine (NAG) molecules, one β-d-mannopyranose (BMA), and one α-d-mannopyranose (MAN). The four sugar residues at Asn185 were unambiguously positioned in the electron density map. B, 2Fo − Fc electron density map at the 1σ contour level around Asn185. The four sugar residues and a water molecule are shown in the stick model and sphere, respectively. C, superposition of non-glycosylated LeIBP and glycosylated LeIBP. Glycosylated LeIBP is shown in slate green and non-glycosylated LeIBP is depicted in magenta. Phe244 adopts a different conformation in the glycosylated LeIBP structure. All figures were prepared using the program PyMOL (29).