Epinephrine triggers opposite translocation of STIM1-YFP in pancreatic α- and β-cells. A, TIRF images and intensity recordings showing accumulation of the subplasmalemmal STIM1-YFP in response to 5 μm epinephrine (Epi) in a superficial islet cell with a small footprint (α-cell) and the loss of subplasmalemmal STIM1-YFP in an adjacent cell with larger footprint (β-cell) within an islet. The numbered arrowheads indicate when respective images were taken. B, TIRF intensity recording of a superficial islet cell (α-cell) responding to 100 μm CPA and 5 μm epinephrine with subplasmalemmal accumulation of STIM1-YFP. C, immunostaining showing that a small islet cell responding to epinephrine with subplasmalemmal accumulation of STIM1-YFP is a glucagon-positive α-cell (left). Staining for insulin showed that the larger cells with opposite responses to epinephrine are β-cells (data not shown). The glucose concentration was 3 mm in all panels and the image scale bars indicate 10 μm.