Purification of the elongation complex by centrifugation. An extension and pause reaction with 12 μm NS5B, 12.5 μm UTP, 25 μm ATP, and 10 μm pGG/20-mer was run for 2 h, followed by centrifugation at 16,000 × g for 5 min. Lane 1, pGG primer; lane 2, the 2-h reaction before spin; lane 3, one aliquot of the 2-h reaction was reacted with 50 μm CTP for 20 s; lanes 4 and 5, the supernatant (Sup) and its reaction with 50 μm CTP for 20 s; lanes 6 and 7, the resuspended pellet and its reaction with 50 μm CTP for 20 s.