Figure 3.
Coinjection of AAV-ANG1 and AAV-VEGF reduced atrophy volume. (A) Cresyl violet-stained sections are shown. Dotted lines outline the original brain size before atrophy of the infarct regions. (B) Bar graph shows the quantification of the atrophy volume; N=6. Compared with AAV-LacZ, injection of AAV-VEGF or AAV-ANG1 resulted in a trend toward reduction of infarct (P=0.08; P=0.09); coinjection of AAV-VEGF with AAV-ANG1 reduced the atrophy volume significantly compared with the AAV-LacZ and AAV-ANG1 groups (*P=0.004 versus AAV-LacZ group; #P=0.03 versus AAV-ANG1 group). LacZ: AAV-LacZ-injected group; ANG1: AAV-ANG1-injected group; VEGF: AAV-VEGF-injected group; and VEGF/ANG1: AAV-VEGF and AAV-ANG1-coinjected groups.