Table 1. Demographic data and initial clinical signs and symptoms of 76 patients with probable SARSa.
Data | No. of cases (%) |
Sex |
Male |
34 (44.7) |
Female |
42 (55.3) |
Age (y) (range, median) |
24–87 (46.5) |
Underlying disease (no.) |
Nonfatal |
62 (81.6) |
No underlying disease |
52 (68.4) |
Mild underlying disease |
10 (13.2) |
Ultimately fatal |
3 (3.9) |
Rapidly fatal |
11 (14.5) |
Initial symptoms |
Fever |
76 (100) |
Cough |
47 (61.8) |
Myalgia |
37 (48.7) |
Dyspnea |
31 (40.8) |
Diarrhea |
24 (31.6) |
Rigor |
23 (30.3) |
Headache |
14 (18.4) |
Nausea |
9 (11.8) |
Sore throat |
7 (9.2) |
Vomiting |
3 (3.9) |
Rhinorrhea | 2 (2.6) |
aSARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome.