Table. Characteristics of the SARS outbreak in the greater Toronto area and Taiwan, March–June 2003a.
Characteristic | GTA, no. (%) | Taiwan, no. (%)b |
Total cases |
375 |
NA |
Probable |
247 (66) |
668 |
Suspected |
128 (34) |
NA |
Deaths |
44 (12) |
72 (11) |
Healthcare related |
271 (72) |
370 (55) |
Healthcare workers |
164 (44) |
120 (18) |
Patients or visitors |
107 (28) |
256 (38) |
Hospitals with hospitalized SARS patients |
23 |
84 |
Hospitals with SARS transmission |
10 (43) |
8 (10) |
Hospitals that closed wards or an emergency room | 10 (43) | NA |
aSARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome; GTA, greater Toronto area; NA, data not available bPercentage expresses proportion of all probable SARS cases