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. 2004 Oct;10(10):1797–1805. doi: 10.3201/eid1010.031086

Table 5. Characteristics of 22 isolates of atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli identified during this study.

Strain Sou-rcea Serotype Intimin type Result of PCRb
bfpA aggR efa1 astA lpfD Adhesion patterna FAS assay HEp-2 cell invasionc
W7 N O161:H40 β NA 0.01
W85-2 N OR:H- γ AA + 0.02
W114 N O107:H8 ι IA + 0.02
W143 N Ont:H5 ε IA + < 0.01
W145 N O55:H6 γ + + AA + 0.03
W154 N O139:H14 β AA + < 0.01
W185 N Ont:H21 θ IA + 0.02
W208 N Ont:H4 β IA + 0.08
W761 N O124:H40 λ NA 0.07
W902 N O125:H6 α2 IA + 0.06
W914 N O125:H6 α AA + 0.07
W1040 G O15:Hnt β + + LAL + 0.10
W1056 G O55:H7 γ + + IA + 0.77
W1068 G O51:H49 α AA + < 0.01
W1082 G Ont:H6 β AA + 0.01
W1092 G OR:H- η/ε + IA + < 0.01
W1108 G O172:H4 θ IA + 0.03
W1118 G O126:H6 α IA + 0.01
W1120 G Ont:H34 α IA + 0.01
W1134 G Ont:H6 θ NA 0.01
W1585 G Ont:H40 θ NA 0.02
W1706 G Ont:H6 α AA + 0.01
E128012 C O114:H2 β + + IA + 0.32

aN, no symptoms; G, gastroenteritis; C, control strain; Ont, O nontypable (O1–O181); Hnt, H nontypable (H1–H56); NA, nonadherent; AA, aggregative adherence pattern; IA, indeterminate adherence pattern; LAL, localized-like adherence pattern; FAS, fluorescent actin staining.
bPCR, polymerase chain reaction; +, positive; –, negative.
cData are the number of bacteria recovered from HEp-2 cells after treatment with gentamicin as a percentage of the total number of cell-associated bacteria and are the mean of two separate assays.