Figure 1. Schematic tree diagram of the eukaryotic supergroups showing the location of nitrile hydratase containing taxa.
After Walker et al. (2011). Groups labelled in black encompass the taxa listed in table S1; those in grey encompass the taxa in the EMBL/Genbank dbEST, and non-redundant protein and nucleotide databases. Blue = Opisthokonta, Brown = Amoebozoa, Magenta = Excavata, Green = Archaeplastida, Grey = CCTH Supergroup Red = SAR Supergroup, with stramenopile, alveolate and rhizarian labeled. Taxa in capitals contain multicellular species. Taxa highlighted contain species with nitrile hydratase genes. * = eukaryotic-type nitrile hydratase. Number of * indicates the number of subunits present. # = nitrile hydratase subunit genes that may be the result of prokaryotic contamination. Note that taxa branching from a single point represent nodes with ambiguous branching, and the eukaryotic tree is unrooted.