Figure 9.
SDS-PAGE of pellet and supernatant fractions after acetic acid treatment of φKZ tailless heads (A) 10% SDS-PAGE gel stained with Coomassie Blue stain. Lanes: (1) purified whole φKZ, (2) buoyant density purified tailless mutant, (3) step CsCl purified tailless mutant, (4) tailless mutant purified by differential centrifugation, (5) Fermentas Page Ruler, (6) pellet fraction from acetic acid treated sample from Lane 4, (7) 0.5 volume of sample in Lane 6, (8) supernatant fraction from acetic acid treated sample from Lane 4, and (9) 0.5 volume of sample loaded in Lane 8. (B) 12% SDS-PAGE gel stained with blue silver stain of pellet and supernatant fractions of acetic acid treated φKZ tailless heads. The boundaries of slices excised for GeLCMS are marked. Head proteins identified in the pellet fraction are provided and the ratio of their enrichment included in parentheses [(SC/Mw in pellet fraction)/(SC/Mw in supernatant fraction)]. Processed head proteins enriched in the pellet fraction are underlined.