Figure 8.
Multiunit activity (MUA) occurs simultaneous with HFOs and also at the onset of ictal events. (A) Simultaneous recordings of the raw EEG, HFO activity and multiunit activity. (A-left) A comparatively slow time base recording of a cluster of 5 HFOs. Note the robust unit activity that occurred at the same time in the lower trace. (A-center and right) Faster time base recordings showing in more detail other individual HFOs and the associated multiunit activity. (B) Units also fired at high frequencies at the onset of seizures and continued discharging throughout the ictal event. Inset shows an expanded time base recording of high frequency activity (HFA) and multiunit activity at seizure onset (see line above traces in B). Recordings were from a position comparable to site LA in Figure 1. Upper traces in each panel – raw EEG (1–450 Hz), Middle trace – HFOs filtered at 80–450Hz. Lower trace - multiunit recordings made with the same microwire and filtered at 600–9000 Hz.