Correlations of uPA and PAI-1 expression in primary tumors versus lymph node metastases. (A) PAI-1 expression did not correlate in the two entities, rs = 0.094, P = .516, when analyzing all patients. Two groups (groups A and B) of PAI-1 expression could be discriminated by a statistical mixture model and 95% confidence intervals. In group A, PAI-1 expression can be described by the quotation: PAI-1 expression in lymph node metastases = 622.6 (relative expression units) + 0.02 x PAI-1 expression in primary tumors. In group B, PAI-1 expression can be described by the quotation PAI-1 expression in lymph node metastases = 587.7 (relative expression units) + 1.79 x PAI-1 expression in primary tumors. (B) A significant correlation of uPA expression in primary tumors versus lymph node metastases, rs = 0.566, P ≤ .001, was found.