Misexpression of At-Antp in Drosophila melanogaster. (A–C) Misexpression of At-Antp in the antenna imaginal disk leads to arista-to-tarsus transformation. (A) The wildtype antenna consists of 3 antennal segments and the arista. (C) Misexpression of At-Antp using the dpp-Gal4 driver transforms the arista into tarsal identity, similar to the phenotype of Dm-Antp misexpression (B). (D–H) Ubiquitous expression of At-Antp in Drosophila melanogaster embryos does not repress Dll expression but leads to ectopic Dll expression in the first abdominal segment. (D) In wild-type stage 11 embryos, Dll is expressed in the thoracic leg primordia and in antennal, maxillary and labial segments and in the primordium of the labrum. (E) arm-Gal4 driven ubiquitous misexpression of Dm-Ubx leads to repression of Dll in the thorax. (F) arm-Gal4 driven ubiquitous misexpression of At-Antp shows no repression of Dll, but extra patches of Dll expression appear in the A1 segment (arrowhead). (G and H) Embryos misexpressing At-Antp (H) show normal expression of Dm-Ubx, compared with the wild type (G). This indicates that the derepression of Dll in A1 in arm:At-Antp embryos is not due to At-Antp mediated repression of Ubx. A1, first abdominal segment; Ant, antennal segment; Lab, labial segment; Mx, maxillary segment; T, thoracic segment.