Fig. 3.
Late CCAP neurons are sufficient for pupal ecdysis. Early CCAP neurons were ablated selectively using temporally controlled expression of the cell death gene in larval CCAP neurons. (A and B) Control animals exhibit wild-type leg extension (arrowhead) and head eversion in pharate adults (PA) (A), and adults have wild-type wing inflation (B). (D and E) Selective ablation of early CCAP neurons results in wild-type leg extension (arrowhead) and head eversion in pharate adults (D), but adults have failed wing inflation (E). (C and F) CCAP immunoreactivity in whole CNS at 10–12 h APF. (C′ and F′) Magnified views of boxed areas in C and F. (C and C′) In controls, the full complement of CCAP neurons was seen, including A5–A7 late CCAP-ENs (white arrows in C′) and CCAP-PLs (orange arrows in C′). (F and F′) All early CCAP-ENs and CCAP-INs were ablated. Only late CCAP-ENs (white arrows in F′) and CCAP-PLs (orange arrows in F′) remained. Genotypes: (A–C′) CCAP-GAL4/+; tubP-GAL80TS, UAS-nlsEGFP/+; (D–F′) UAS-hid,UAS-reaper/w or Y; CCAP-GAL4; tubP-GAL80TS,UAS-nlsEGFP/+.