Fig. 4.
Late subsets of CCAP neurons emerge at late L3. Combining the TARGET and Flp/FRT systems, we permanently β-Gal–marked neurons that expressed CCAP-GAL4 in larvae. Animals were raised at 29 °C until mid-L3, and at 18 °C thereafter. Representative images of pharate adult VNC, showing anti-Bursα to identify CCAP-ENs (A) and anti-CCAP to identify CCAP-PLs (B). (A and A′) β-Gal immunoreactivity (red) was not observed in the six A5–A7 late CCAP-ENs (arrows) but was seen in CCAP-INs (arrowheads) and early CCAP-ENs (Bursα and β-Gal are colabeled). (B and B′) Posterior abdominal VNC showing that CCAP-PLs (orange arrows) expressed anti-CCAP (green) but did not express β-Gal (red). CCAP-INs (arrowheads) expressed anti-CCAP and β-Gal. Genotypes: CCAP-GAL4 /Act-FRT > STOP > FRT-nLacZ; tubP-GAL80TS, UAS-nlsEGFP/UAS-Flp.