Relative expression of alk and anti-alk in selected tissues. (A) Section of the alk gene model showing the transcript variants produced by alternative splicing of alk and anti-alk and the positions of PCR primers used for variant-specific amplifications. (B) Expression of alternative transcripts alk-A, alk-B, and anti-alk-A, anti-alk-B in adult brain relative to larval head. Quantitative data for alk-C representing total expression of the alk gene were used for normalization. alk-A represents the short transcript with no exon 25, whereas alk-B contains exon 25. anti-alk-B contains an alternatively spliced exon 3 of anti-alk, which is missing in anti-alk-A. Blue bars, workers; red bars, queens. (C) Expression of the same transcripts in the adult queen brain relative to ovary. The reference gene was ugt. (experimental details in SI Materials and Methods). Two biological replicates were used in each experiment. Error bars represent SD.