Figure 3.
Transcript analysis of endogenous and transgenic transcripts of the At3g16240 and At3g16250 genes in transgenic lines. (a) Schematic representation of transgenic constructs used. Promoter regions and the coding region are shown. In the coding region, possible transcription of the sense or antisense transgene driven by the appropriate promoter is indicated by arrow. 6 bp substitutions in the coding region of the sense and antisense transgenes are indicated by vertical arrows. (b) In two sense transgenic lines, s1 and s2, transcript levels of the transgene are increased compared to the endogenous copy of the At3g16240 gene. The same increase occurs in a sas transgene that jointly expresses sense and antisense transgene. (c) In two antisense transgenic lines, as1 and as2, levels of the antisense transgene transcripts are decreased compared to the endogenous At3g16250 copy. The same decrease occurs in a sas transgene that jointly expresses sense and antisense transgene. The experiment was repeated twice with two replicas. The error bars represent the standard error.