Carrier PNA effect on different antisense CPP-PNAs. Relative antisense activity in HeLa pLuc705 cells of antisense PNAs hybridized to a carrier PNA1 (Naked-cPNA1(9), (D-Arg)8-cPNA1(9), (D-Arg)8-Deca-cPNA1(9), Deca-cPNA1(9)) and/or a carrier PNA2 (Naked cPNA2(9), Deca-cPNA2(9)). Antisense PNA was hybridized to a carrier PNA(s) at 1:1 molar ratio and used for transfection at the indicated concentrations. After 24 h transfection, cells were subjected to the luciferase analysis. Each data set represents the mean ± SD of three independent experiments Antisense PNAs used: (A) Unmodified PNA (Naked asPNA (PNA2389)) at 2 μM, (B) Decanoyl-octaarginine PNA ((D-Arg)8-Deca-asPNA (PNA2802)) at 2 μM or (C) octaarginine PNA ((D-Arg)8-asPNA (PNA2787)).