Analysis of heterodimer formation between EGFR and each mutant
p185c-neu protein. Cos7 cells transiently transfected with
the indicated vectors were stimulated with EGF followed by the
crosslinker treatment as described in Materials and
Methods. Cell lysates were immunopretipitated (IP) with the
antibodies as indicated. Immunoblottings (Blot) were performed with the
antibodies as indicated. E, pMVEGFR; Neu, pNeu; N, pNex; N3–4,
pNexD3–4; N1–3, pNex1–3; N3, pNex3; Tex, pTex; T3–4, pTexD3–4; T4,
pTexD4; 6CN, pTex6CN. Membranes indicated (Top) were
reblotted with anti-VSVG as indicated (Middle), and the
same total cell lysates was subjected to the nitrocellulose membrane to
determine the exogenous expression of EGFR (Bottom).