Fig. 4. The Golgi ribbon in control cells is organized as a series of ‘compact regions’ of stacked cisternae.
HeLa cells were treated for 96 h with control siRNA and then high-pressure frozen immediately from 37°C. (A) A representative Golgi ribbon is shown; inset - an example of ER membranes in close physical apposition with trans-Golgi cisternae (trans-ER, tER). (B) The 3D s model derived from (A) illustrating Golgi spatial organization. (C) Model clockwise rotated −30° about the vertical axis. (D) Model clockwise rotated −120° about the vertical axis. CGN, cis-Golgi network; MT, microtubule; TGN, trans-Golgi network. Color-coding: cis-cisternae/CGN, blue; clathrin-coated vesicles, white; COPI vesicles, purple; ER, red; medial Golgi cisternae, green; trans-Golgi, yellow; trans-cisternae/TGN, tan. Bar, 0.5 μm.