Figure 4. The interaction between CD4+ T cell and macrophages induces IL30 through the CD40/CD154 signaling pathway.
A, Peritoneal macrophages were coincubated with purified CD4+ cells in the presence or absence of a transwell barrier, treated with CD3/CD28/CpG for 72 hours, and analyzed for IL30 expression in the supernatant via ELISA. B, Supernatants from splenocytes treated with CpG, CD3/CD28, CD3/CD28/CpG (combination treatment), or CD3/CD28/CpG in the presence of activating anti-CD40 for 72 hours were analyzed for IL30 production by ELISA. C, Supernatants from wild type or CD40−/− splenocytes treated with CD3/CD28/CpG for 72 hours were analyzed for IL30 production by ELISA. D, Splenocytes from wild type or CD154−/− mice were treated with CD3/CD28/CpG or CD154−/− splenocytes were treated with CD3/CD28/CpG in the presence of control or anti-CD40 antibodies for 72 hours, and IL30 expression was measured in the supernatants using ELISA. E, Peritoneal macrophages from wild type or CD40−/− mice were coincubated with purified CD4+ T cells from either wild type or CD154−/− mice, treated with CD3/CD28/CpG in the presence of control or anti-CD40 antibodies, and the supernatants were measured for IL30 expression by ELISA. F, Peritoneal macrophages were treated with CpG in the presence of control or anti-CD40 antibodies for 72 hours and analyzed for IL30 expression. *, P <0.05. N=3.