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. 2012 Apr 12;6:80. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2012.00080

Table 1.

Summary of hippocampal models and associated perspectives on requirements for consciousness of encoding and retrieval.

Model Representative citation MTL brain regions Type of memory Consciousness of Encoding Consciousness of Retrieval
Declarative memory theory Squire et al. (2004) Hippocampus and MTL cortical structures Conscious memory for facts and events Yes Yes
Component process model Moscovitch (1992) Hippocampus and MTL cortical structures Components of consciously apprehended events Yes Yes
Two-stage model of recollection Moscovitch (2008) Hippocampus (PFC and parietal cortex) Consciously recollected events N/A Stage 1—No
Stage 2—Yes
Relational memory theory Eichenbaum et al. (1994) Hippocampus Flexible, compositional inter-item and item-context relationships Not required
MTL cortical structures Single items and inflexible (fused/unitized) associations Not required
Processing model Henke (2010) Hippocampus Rapidly encoded, flexible associations Not required Not required
Parahipp. Gyrus (BG and cerebellum) Incrementally learned, inflexible associations Not required Not required
Parahipp. gyrus Single items and inflexible (fused/unitized) associations Not required Not required

MTL cortical structures include the perirhinal, parahippocampal, and entorhinal cortex; BG, basal ganglia; PFC, prefrontal cortex; –, not explicitly described in the model. Note that the 2-stage model of recollection is an extension (and subset) of the component process model.