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. 2012 Feb;32(1):58–62.

Table I.

Laryngopyoceles as a cause of airway obstruction.

Patient # Age Sex Necessity of emergency tracheotomy Laryngoscopic findings Radiographic findings Diagnosis
1 59 Male Yes Swelling of the left aryepiglottic fold and left false vocal cord X-ray: large cavity with an air fluid level in the left neck
Thawley et al. 10
Combined laryngopyocele
2 57 Female No A mass filling the right aryepiglottic fold and puriform fossa X-ray: right sided neck mass displacing trachea to the left
Weissler et al. 8
Combined laryngopyocele
3 51 Male Yes Diffuse swelling over the right false cord and aryepiglottic fold X-ray: right sided neck mass and an air-fluid level
Weissler et al. 8
Combined laryngopyocele
4 34 Male No A mass originating in the left false cord caused a near total airway obstruction CT: 18 mm low-attenuation mass within the larynx that caused a significant airway obstruction
Fredrickson et al. 9
Internal laryngopyocele
5 61 Female Yes A mass originating in the right false vocal cord, caused a near total airway obstruction CT: 29 mm within larynx that caused an almost total airway obstruction
In our case
Internal laryngopyocele