Top panel: Mean ± SEM percent pups per litter performing aberrant behaviors during the open field assessment portion of the FOB. Sample size: 0 ppm n = 8 litters, 8 ppm n = 11, 25 ppm n = 10, 80 ppm n = 10. Middle panel: Pups per litter producing locomotion during the open field assessment portion of the FOB. Sample size: 0 ppm n = 8 litters, 8 ppm n = 11, 25 ppm n = 10, 80 ppm n = 10. Bottom panel: Pups per litter producing an active startle response following an acoustic stimulus during the sensory response portion of the FOB. Sample size: 0 ppm n = 10 litters, 8 ppm n = 11, 25 ppm n = 10, 80 ppm n = 10. In each case, data were averaged across sex within each litter.