Figure 2.
Comparison of TACs derived from 94Tc-MIBI dynamic PET data (patient 1) with an infusion time of 1 min and from SPECT/P projections for 27 s (A) and 54 s (B) rotations, using both 3D ML-EM (rotation-by-rotation) and 4D B-spline ML-EM reconstructions. Attenuation, collimation and realistic noise were modeled in the SPECT/P projections. Both reconstruction methods for these data incorporated attenuation correction and correction for blurring from geometric properties of the collimator. TACs from regions drawn in the LV/LA blood pool (blue), the myocardium (green) and the liver (red) are plotted from the 3D ML-EM reconstruction (asterisks) and from the 4D ML-EM reconstruction (dashed lines) for respective rotational samplings of 27 s (A) and 54 s (B) against input TACs from the original dynamic PET data (solid lines). Note that the same original dynamic PET input curves are shown for comparison in each panel.