Table 2.
Summary of multi-variable regression, adjusted for clustering by center.
Relative change following albuterol; (Post-Pre)/Pre | FVC slope (95% CI) |
FEV 0.5 slope (95% CI) |
FEF 75 slope (95% CI) |
FEF 25–75 slope (95% CI) |
Sex (Females) | −2.68 (−6.36; 1.00) | −4.67 (−9.67; 0.34) | −14.07 (−28.83; 0.69) | −1.77 (−13.13; 9.59) |
Age (months) | 0.12 (−0.11; 0.34) | −0.08 (−0.38; 0.23) | −0.29 (−1.19; 0.62) | −0.73 (−1.40; −0.05) |
z-score height | −0.93 (−2.43; 0.57) | −1.84 (−3.88; 0.19) | −6.31(−12.28; −0.33) | −5.47(−9.99; −0.95) |
z-score weight | −0.25 (−0.84; 0.34) | 0.68 (−0.13; 1.49) | −0.33 (−2.76; 2.10) | 0.54 (−1.31; 2.39) |
More than 1 hospital admission | 1.30 (−2.13; 4.73) | 1.66 (−3.04; 6.36) | 0.95 (−13.34; 15.25) | 8.50 (−2.31; 19.30) |
More than 2 ED visit | −0.21 (−2.45; 2.02) | 1.44 (−1.62; 4.50) | 0.39 (−8.82; 9.60) | 2.65 (−4.40; 9.71) |
Household smoke exposure | −1.85 (−5.43; 1.73) | 1.25 (−3.68; 6.19) | 3.59 (−11.22; 18.41) | 1.41 (−9.78; 12.60) |
Previous treatment for eczema | −0.12 (−4.37; 4.13) | −2.04 (−7.83; 3.76) | −1.06 (−18.67; 16.55) | −7.62 (−20.83; 5.60) |
Family history of asthma | 3.14 (−0.20; 6.47) | 1.09 (−3.58; 5.77) | 2.67 (−11.16; 16.51) | 4.74 (−5.79; 15.29) |
Family history of allergy | −1.06 (−4.73; 2.61) | −3.71 (−8.69; 1.27) | −11.25 (−26.11; 3.62) | −7.06 (−18.31; 4.20) |
Bold indicates p values <0.05.
Definition of Abbreviations: ED = emergency department; FEV0.5 = forced expiratory volume in 0.5 seconds; FEF25–75 = forced expiratory flow 25–75% of expiration; FEF75 = forced expiratory flow at 75% of expiration