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. 2012 Apr 10;29(6):1126–1139. doi: 10.1089/neu.2011.2272

Table 4.

Correlationa of GOS and GOS-E Peds at 3 Months with Outcome Measures at 6 Months

GOS (3 Months)
GOS-E Peds (3 Months)
Instruments (6 Months) rs 95% CI rs 95% CI
Vineland Scales of Adaptive Behavior
 Communication SS −0.481* −0.61, −0.28 −0.616* −0.71, −0.43
 Daily Living Skills SS −0.451* −0.59, −0.25 −0.540* −0.65, −0.34
 Socialization SS −0.468* −0.60, −0.27 −0.598* −0.70, −0.42
 Motor Skills SS −0.660* −0.79, −0.38 −0.784* −0.87, −0.58
 Adaptive Behavior Composite SS −0.546* −0.67, −0.37 −0.687* −0.77, −0.53
Bayley Scales of Infant Development-2 (ages <2.5 years)
 Mental Development Index −0.646* −0.87, −0.51 −0.701* −0.86, −0.47
 Psychomotor Development Index −0.727* −0.85, −0.46 −0.740* −0.87, −0.51
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale-IV (ages ≥2.5 years)
 Stanford-Binet Composite Score −0.523* −0.65, −0.27 −0.635* −0.74, −0.43
Conners' Parent Rating Scale
 Conduct Problem T 0.098 −0.14, 0.35 0.137 −0.09, 0.39
 Learning Problem T 0.390* 0.15, 0.59 0.459* 0.26, 0.65
 Psychosomatic T 0.047 −0.16, 0.33 0.059 −0.14, 0.35
 Impulsive Hyperactive T 0.215 −0.01, 0.47 0.320 0.11, 0.55
 Anxiety T 0.007 −0.26, 0.24 −0.009 −0.29, 0.20
 Hyperactive Index T 0.274 0.05, 0.52 0.361 0.17, 0.59
Short Delay Free Recall (SDFR) −0.449* −0.64, −0.19 −0.421* −0.62, −0.16
Long Delay Free Recall (LDFR) −0.414* −0.57, −0.09 −0.406* −0.56, −0.07
WISC-III Processing Speed Index −0.537* −0.74, −0.35 −0.639* −0.78, −0.42

Correlation by Spearman's rho (rs).


p<0.001; p<0.01; p<0.05.

GOS, Glasgow Outcome Scale; GOS-E Peds, Glasgow Outcome Scale-Extended Pediatric; CVLT-C, California Verbal Learning Test-Child; WISC-III, Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, 3rd Edition; SS, Standard Score; T, T score.